I was cycling along the Rotherham canal at dusk, (don't ask) when an elderly Glaswegian stopped me and asked whether I was looking for a boy. I assured him I was not, whereupon he explained that there was a lost boy wandering along the towpath just a but further ahead and enquired as whether I would be so kind as to look out for him. I assured him I would, and sure enough a little further ahead there was a little lad in a bit of a state. I asked him whether he was lost and he explained that he had been fishing with his da and somehow they had got separated (it did rather seem as though aforesaid Da had buggered off somewhere and left him.) So I called SY's finest and explained the situation. They had the usual problem that unless you are on a road with a name they can't locate you, but eventually they worked it out and we arranged that I would take him to the nearby road bridge and a police car would pick him up.
First though we had to look for his fishing gear, which seemed to have disappeared, so I gave him a lift on the back of the bike. Soon enough a young PC turned up, and I have never seen a kid get into the back of a cop car so fast! I hope he got back home OK, and that someone had words with his so-called Da.
The Oak Street Quick-Build is delayed again!
2 days ago
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