Cycling home along the Upper Hanover Way cycle route (not a Sustrans route) on Jan 18th, the windiest, stormiest day of the year (transport chaos everywhere) my hat was grabbed off my head by a passing bramble (these are rampant despite it being mid-winter - nothing to do with climate change of course) Having my trusty Sustrans secateurs in the back pocket of my pannier, however, I was able to not only retrieve said headpiece, but give the bramble in question a right good seeing to with the old secs. There will be no question of another cyclist's hat being robbed by those anti-social brambles for quite a while now I can tell you.
Connoisseurs of the UHW bike route will note that not only has the broken-down tree been removed, it has been scrubbed clean and the fast growing nettles (nettles? in January?) have been removed due to my exhortations to Streetforce and their speedy response, as well as my own ministrations with the secateurs, particularly with regard to eye-level thorns.
The Oak Street Quick-Build is delayed again!
2 days ago