Tuesday: Just the usual, hauled the recyc, up to Beanies to load up with foodstuff (tue and thurs are veggie delivery days - get there early) home for a delish stirfry. OLC + trailer.
Wed: Set off on the Wednesday night bike ride w/ Gerry & the Doctor - Lurch having decided he was in too much of a hurry to wait on his way to Litton. Us three go up the parks and carry on towards Fox House - the Doctor fancies a bit of rough stuff so he goes up Sheepshaggers Lane, while Gerry & I hit the main road in a rainstorm, other cyclist are cowering under trees but we carry on. We wait for the Doctor over a pint at the Fox House - he arrives soon after, complaining that what he thought would be a pleasant country lane was more of an obstacle course- the effect of four-wheel drivers anbd motorbikes tearing up the surface, unfortunately. The Doctor has an appontment with the Dentist so we leave him there, and carry on towards Litton, having arranged a lift home. Our route takes us through Grindleford, up the Eyam road which is closed because of subsidence and therefore very pleasant, continuing to climb onto the limestone plateau known as the White Peak. Rain buckets down as we turn onto the Main Road, a fast but not pleasant run down to Wardlow Mires, and back up to get onto the Litton Rd. Our lift is already waiting for us at the pub, and Lurch's wallet is lying on the floor, so I pick it up, remove a tenner and buy a round. He himself has been do eager to get there that he carried on past the Litton turnoff and ended up at Peak Forest, so had to come back again - adding about 9 miles to the journey. Some very bad jokes are told, and Terry the landlord invites us to pull our own pints, so we do. Back in town there have been floods and hail.
The Oak Street Quick-Build is delayed again!
2 days ago